From The Vault

"Lend Me Your Ears"

Greetings to my wonderful family, from California to Indiana to Houston and everyone in between. I would like to share a few memories of my early childhood that I hope you will find interesting.

A Terrible Storm

I will start with not my memory but Daddy's. It's about my birth. You see even though I lived on the farm until I was five, I was not born on the farm. Mama and Daddy had moved to town at that time and were living near the comer of S. W. W. White Rd and Holmgreen Rd. At the time of my birth there was a terrible storm. Mama said it was a tornado, Daddy said it was very high winds. He went next door to our landlord, Mr. Fater, to help secure his windmill. Mama talked about the garage being moved by the wind. Daddy also said his aunt Josephine was in town to visit her sister and she stayed several days to help care for Mama. Daddy was working at Staffles feed store, which was near St. Joseph's Church downtown.

Dodging The Bus

My memories of the farm seem to be many, when you consider that I was of the young age of five when we moved to town. I turned five in August of 1947 and we moved to 122 Eureka Dr. in November 1947. I won't include all my memories. That would take too long. But there was a day, let’s say it was spring. I just remember a beautiful day. I walked with Clarence, which is what he was called back then, to the road where the bus picked him up for school. We decided to hide when the bus came. So Clarence wouldn't go to school that day. I don't remember if the driver honked or if we got in trouble. I just remember Clarence missing the bus and us playing in the creek, which was dry most of the time. When I was older Mama said that old creek was a snake pit and she had warned us many times not to play there.

Jane Ann Kruse




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